NRCG Web Images Time Tide Artist Talk 2024 1. Feature

Time & Tide Artist Talk | Dianne Longley, Olga Sankey and Jan Davis

Saturday 12 October 2024

Time: 10.00am - 11.30am
Where: NRCG - 44 Cherry Street Ballina
Age: Open to all
Cost: Free, no registrations required.

Since the late 1970s Olga Sankey, Dianne Longley and Jan Davis have contributed significantly to printmaking in Australia, through their innovative work, university teaching and publications. Longley is internationally recognised for research into new technologies, especially with photopolymer plates, and Sankey and Davis were some of the earliest adopters of digital technology in printmaking. Each artist is represented in major Australian public collections, including the National Gallery of Australia, Parliament House Collection, State Collections in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland and many municipal collections.

In conversation with Gallery Coordinator, Imbi Davidson, the artists will discuss the evolution of their individual practices over time and the concepts embedded in their group exhibition, Time & Tide, as well as plans for future works.

Time & Tide is on exhibition at NRCG until 13 October 2024

This event is free, and no registrations are required. Seating is available subject to capacity.


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 The Northern Rivers Community Gallery is a wheelchair accessible venue. Please contact us ahead of time if you have accessibility needs you would like us to be aware of.

Image credit: Dianne Longley, Collage, 2024

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