
Public Art

The Northern Rivers Community Gallery & Ignite Studios work to support Ballina Shire Council's Public Art Policy, managing a range of public art projects and initiatives. 

Public Art Policy

Ballina Shire Council is located within the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales and is part of the traditional Country of the ...


Lennox Head Public Art Boxes

The Northern Rivers Community Gallery (NRCG) has curated an annual program of artworks to be installed as part of the Lennox Head Public ...


Ballina Street Art

 Ballina Shire Council (BSC) and the Northern Rivers Community Gallery (NRCG) sought to bring artists, businesses and property owners ...


Ballina Byron Gateway Airport Public Artworks

In 2022, the Northern Rivers Community Gallery in partnership with Ballina Shire Council and the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport undertook the ...


Art at the Airport

The Art at the Airport (AatA) was a curated program showcasing artwork by professional artists living and working in the Northern Rivers ...

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