PechaKucha 1

Pecha Kucha 20 / 20

Saturday 3 October  |  7.00pm - 8.30pm

A creative community get together to share ideas, works, innovations, collaborations, travels or any other quirky fabulous creative things happening far and wide you think people just need to know about!

'The Point of Art is…’ – is the theme for the inaugural Pecha Kucha 20 / 20 evening as part of the ArtLAB project at Northern Rivers Community Gallery in October. A supportive, creative discussion forum not to be missed for everyone to take part in – be a presenter or come and see what others are ‘talking about’. Pecha Kucha 20 / 20 is a simple, fun, upbeat presentation format where presenters show 20 images, each for 20 seconds in a digital slide presentation. Pecha Kucha 20 / 20 is a FREE public event.

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NRCG Pecha Kucha 20 / 20 presenters

Lisa Walker

 Arkies's Pilgramage - is the next big thing


Grayson Cooke

 The Point of Art is...

Grayson Cooke will discuss his approach to art and art-making with reference to his recent works, including 'AgX', which exhibited at NRCG in April 2015 and most recently showed at Sydney Contemporary.


 Karen Rantissi


Empire Vale Public School has discovered a wonderful range of educational benefits for their students, through engaging them in a rich creative arts program.

Our presentation will share a colourful insight into the schools unique creative journey as well as offer opportunities for the Arts Community to partnership with the school to ignite a range of exciting future projects.


 Duke Albada

 You Are Here


Graeme Stevenson

Colour in Your Life


Jenni Cargill-Strong

Making Connections


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