NRCG is now officially registered as a COVID Safe business.
We have a Covid Safety Plan and are committed to keeping you safe.
Read our more about our Covid Safety Plan HERE

Exhibition Call Out
NRCG is currently inviting exhibition applications across all art forms from artists, artist groups and curators. Successful applicants will be offered a place between June and December 2021, with additional limited dates to be offered for late 2020.
Applications are to be completed online.
Click HERE to apply
Round 1 - Applications close 30 June 2020
Round 2 - Applications close 31 August 2020
Artwork Image: Matthew Purves, No.12 Modal 4 (detail), 2020

Gallery Reopening!
After a two month hiatus the Gallery is pleased to announce it will be re-opening its doors to the public from Wednesday 3rd June.
Strict guidelines and social distancing protocols will be in place, with visitor numbers in each gallery limited. There will also be hand sanitising stations and clear signage to keep all our patrons safe. We ask that all visitors sign the register on entry and sanitise hands.
At this stage the Gallery will be re-opening Wednesday - Friday to ensure safe work practices while we transition back into full operation.
The Gallery staff thank you for your patience throughout this time and we look forward to seeing you soon!
WED - FRI: 10am - 4pm
Artwork Image: Matthew Purves, Resin Scuplture from Exhibition - Proprietry Variables and the Modal Illusion of Happiness, 2020

Gallery Closure
Dear Gallery Patrons, Supporters and Creatives,
Thank you for your continued support of the gallery - now more than ever our creative community needs your support.
Unsurprisingly, NRCG is now closed until further notice.
We will continue to sustain our creative community through creative programs and art in recovery projects as this situation unfolds and undoubtedly abates.
Explore our Creative Online Resources and Opportunities here.
We hope you can all stay home and make some art, in solidarity with many artists over the years who have made art in quarantine. May there be plenty of time for nourishing creation and reading ahead. Maria Popova is always a good start...
"Suffering - biological and psychological, in private and en masse - has always accompanied our species, as it has every species. But we alone have coped by transmuting our suffering into beauty, by making symphonies and paintings and poems out of our fragility - beauty that does not justify the suffering, but does make it more bearable, does help the sufferers next to us and after us, in space and in time, suffer less, in ways the originating consciousness can never quantify in the receiving, never estimate their reach across the sweep of centuries and sufferings."
- Maria Popova
Coordinator Gallery (acting)