Covering/Encompassing | Sascha Bravery
23 August - 12 October 2023
Covering encompassing is an installation exhibition of mixed media textiles. The textile artworks (or quilts as they are referred to) comprise of patchwork segments of dissected canvas. These dissections are the dismembered pieces of previous artworks made by the artist over a ten-year period. During this period the artist embarked on a healing journey of past personal trauma and in which time her health declined rapidly and as such the artworks evolved slowly yet gradually. The project began as a cathartic response to environmental and emotional trauma were layered and covered, erased and built upon, and subsequently overtaken and subsumed by the Lismore Floods in 2017 and later on the works were pushed further by burying in and dragging them across the burnt terrain of the Bungawalbin National Park post the 2019/2020 fires. Now is an even more prevalent time for this project and exploration post the devastating March 2022 floods in the Northern Rivers.
Launch Event: Thursday 31 August 2023, 5.30pm - 7.30pm
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