TIN | Melanie Miller + Shani Miller + Bridie McKelvey
23 October - 15 December 2019
Three local artists Mel Miller, Shani Miller + Bridie McKelvey explore TIN - Tin in content, concept, or materials.
Mel Miller’s work is a series of line drawings in pen of houses with tin roofs. Mel explores the concept of the duality of urbanisation and flora in her drawings using the subtleties of negative space to comment on the impact of urbanisation throughout time on our natural environment - Time In Nature (TIN).
Shani Miller’s work is a series of still life images created using the historical photographic technique known as tintypes. A tintype consists of a thin plate coated with a wet collodion emulsion that is then exposed in-camera and developed whilst still wet. ‘The invention of the tintype in 1854 brought the reality of photography closer to the mass population.’
Bridie McKelvey's work is a collection of small dioramas/assemblages. These 3D landscapes are all housed in vintage tins and in addition to tin use a variety of materials and found objects with a focus on paper, pressed flowers and plastic animals.
Launch Event: Thursday 24 October 2019 5.30pm - 7.30pm
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